India Will Have 5G At The End Of 2020

India has taken one more step towards development. Now it is the time for technology. At the end of 2020 India will launch 5G service to users.

It will be added to the list of countries who provided 5th Generation Mobile services. The planning is like it will be examined in next month. For it's experiment Government of India will provide 5G spectrum. As doing a new step India said no to Chinese companies. International telecom companies like Samsung, Nokia etc. will give 5G equipments. 

According to the information, 5G phones are already available in India. But with the absence of 5G service it is worth less. 

To apply 5G network, India's network operators have applied to the government for permission to conduct field trials and selected equipment vendors with which to collaborate. They also need to expand their network cores to prepare for the additional traffic loads that 5G radio interfaces will carry. 
