Good Journalism V/S Bad Journalism

Journalism and journalists are working as the strongest weapon to spread the information to its audience. As a result what a journalist says that becomes the mentality of its audience. Consequently what a media person says the same thing has said by the receiver as well. Here what a sender is expressed  matters a lot. Those who actually doing their job as sending the correct data are very rare and others are creating fear by spreading rumors for TRP purposes. So they are categorized by good and bad journalism. 

Now in India most of the leading media houses are biased. Some were working under a political party or some under any prominent persons. May be or may not be that person or political party doesn't come to limelight but their news are the favor of what they have doing.

There are some  journalists who present their opinion as the voice of the country. The way in which he represents his view is very unusual. The most propaganda spreading and their reporting is just like creating noise. And these people are noisy journalists. But there are a lot of people in the country who have considered them as the best journalists. They are approaching the border crossing concepts. As a media person you can't address your own opinion to the public. You can't tell them what you think or feel. Because it shouldn't come under the freedom of speech. When an influential medium speaks something fake, it affects the mind of the viewers.

If there is any conflict took place, these noisy speakers have brought communalism into it. And made a communal fight or between Hindus and Muslims. If there is some issues  between them these speakers don't bring light on other factors, they only focus on communalism just for TRP. But their opinions are moving towards dangerous speech. 

Dangerous speech may included some basic criteria which moves it towards something rumor or fake that creates fear within audiences. They are:

  • Influential speaker

  • Audience

  •  Message

  • Context

  • Medium

If the speaker is influential that mainly affects the mindset of the audience. What the message and context that also matters and mostly through which medium the message is going to be present. It may be print, electronic or digital. 

But a honest journalist never spreads conflicts like this. He always brought light upon  what should be reach the audience. His work is to aware and develop the thinking capacity of the viewers. And tells them the real fact behind the story not for the TRP. 

As being the fourth pillar of Indian constitution good journalism and journalists are needed for the country.
